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Norteamérica S&H
Small assortment of early Mexico stamps €0,61  5 min  0 bids €3,71
Bonito lote sellos estampados de Estados Unidos €1,00  15 min  0 bids €1,15
CANADA - LOT DE TIMBRES OBLITÉRÉS DU CANADA €1,00  23 min  1 bid €2,35
Canada 1975 Royal Canadian Legion SG828 MNH €0,74  32 min  0 bids €3,75
Used USA STAMP U.S.S. Glacier (Ice-Breaker) Palmer Station Antarctic Treaty €0,25  51 min  0 bids €3,71
Used joint stamp issue USA- Switzerland 1991 Founding of Switzerland buildings €0,25  56 min  0 bids €3,71